blogging for beginners

Monday, May 31, 2004


Having one of those typical computer moments: trying to figure out how to use blogger to post photos, so I won't look like a computer dub in front of my new blogging students. I go to the blogspot site and they send me to another site where I create a user name and password and download some free photo-sharing software. So far so good, even though I'm pretty much dumped on my own resources at that point. Okay, I go to my start menu, find the new program, go to the website, try to log on--and am told 'no such number, no such zone' to quote Elvis. In other words, I don't exist for the software people.

Do I go back and do the whole process again? Is it just too soon for me to show on their servers? Is there someone nearby I can strangle? Why can't this darned stuff work slick instead of clunky?


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